We sell and lease many types of computers including servers, desktops and laptops.  Many are built in our own factory.  ICS has computers in stock.  Delivery and installation available.  Call 480-905-0024.

Selecting a Computer
Selecting a good computer can be a daunting task. Not because there's a shortage of PCs on the market. In fact, the opposite is true. The list of high-quality personal computers could fill a phone book. For instance, are you searching for a media center personal computer? Are you looking for a desktop that your kids can use for schoolwork? Maybe you're operating a home business and you need a couple of computers that can take care of all your administrative and networking demands. Some folks buy a desktop system as a spare - a backup in case the primary PC is on the fritz. And many first-time PC buyers are swayed by the hi-tech ads and all the bells and whistles. While we believe that nearly everyone would benefit by owning a desktop, it's a good idea to take a step back and decide exactly what you're going to do with the PC once you buy it. That way you avoid purchasing a computer system that's way too advanced for your needs, or conversely one that's ill equipped to meet your demands.



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